Сборник заданий на отработку лексических навыков на тему: «Животные» (Spotlight 5, module 5)
Автор: Петухова Наталья Михайловна, Сенькина Вера Игоревна, преподаватели МБОУ «Школа №8 имени Героя Российской Федерации Соколова Романа Владимировича», г. РязаньДанный ряд упражнений посвящен изучению лексики на тему: «Животные». Материал актуален для учеников 5 класса, учащихся по УМК Ваулиной Ю.Е., Дули Дженни, Подоляко О.Е., Эванс В. Spotlight 5. Student's book / Английский в фокусе 5 класс. [3]
Задания, направленные на развитие как продуктивных навыков (говорение и письмо), так и рецептивных(чтение), будут интересны не только педагогам, но и детям. Материал содержит в себе новые сведения о животных, способствует развитию письма и говорения при помощи таблиц и вспомогательных конструкций. Дети могут выполнять упражнения как устно, так и письменно, используя интерактивную доску. Упражнения выполняются поочередно. Полнота и целостность сборника упражнений позволяет обучающимся полноценно изучить новую тему.
Exercise 1. Classify the animals.
Lion, cat, dog, chimp, rabbit, tiger, wolf, chicken, dolphin, elephant, mouse, monkey, zebra, duck.
Pet |
Zoo animals |
Farm animals |
Exercise 2. Fill in the missing letters.
1. L__on, monke__, __l__phant, pea__oc__, b____r, ti__er, w__lf, gira___e.
Exercise 3. Unscramble the following words and connect them with the pictures.
1. Inol
2. Phelanet
3. Ymokne
4. Copecka
5. Fgiearf
6. Eabr
Exercise 4. Listen to the descriptions and guess the animal.
a) This animal is big and grey. It has a very long trunk and two large ears. It lives in Asia and Africa. It likes eating grass, fruit and leaves. – E…………………
b) This animal lives at home or in the street. It is a man’s friend. It can run, but can’t fly and climb. It is very clever and friendly. – D………………………
c) This animal is large and heavy. It lives in Africa and Asia. It has one or two sharp horns on its head and it has thick skin. It eats fruit, leaves and grass. –R……………… .
d) It is a brown animal. It has large paws. It has got sharp teeth. It can climb and swim very well. This animal prefers eating fish, honey, berries, meat , etc. - B…………………………
e) This animal can be black, grey, white or red. It lives in the house. It can catch grey mouse. It likes milk, meat and fish. It can jump, run, climb and walk. - C…………………
f) It is a large animal. It lives in Africa. It eats plants, grass and grain. It has a long neck and two humps. It can live without water for 10 months. - C……………………
g) It is a bird. It lives at the farm. It can lay eggs. - H…………………………… .
h) It is a big animal. It lives at the farm. It gives us milk. This animal eats plants and grass. – C………………………
Exercise 5. Make up sentences using the table below.
Elephants |
live |
in |
Australia |
Koalas |
Tigers |
Lions |
Africa |
Kangaroos |
1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________
Exercise 6. Listen and agree with your classmate. Or disagree by adding “NOT”:
E.g.: “A goose is a wild animal.”
“Oh, no. A goose is not a wild animal.”
- Penguins can fly.
- Rabbits can’t jump.
- A sheep can give milk.
- A frog is red.
- A budgie is an animal with a small beak.
- Lions are slow animals.
- Dogs can’t swim.
Exercise 7. Read the text about the animal and complete the fact file.
Monkeys are the funniest animals. They live in African and America. They have got big round ears and small eyes. They have got brown or black fur. They eat bananas. They like to climb trees. They have got strong arms. They live in trees.
Animal |
Monkey |
Fur |
Country |
Food |
Body and face |
Exercise 8. Choose the animal and complete the fact file about it.
Animal |
Fur |
Country |
Food |
Body and face |
Exercise 9. Choose your favorite wild animal from the zoo. Describe it, using the following structure.
You should talk about:
- Colour
- Size
- Habitat (water, forest, steppe)
- Distinctive features
- Food
Start your description with the following sentences.
My favourite animal is ….. .It is ……( big/small).
It has got …. (black, brown, white……)fur. It lives in ….. (water, forest, steppe). It has got ……, …….. and …… .( big ears/ small ears/ long tail/short tail /long legs/short legs/ strong paws/ weak paws/ sharp claws…). It likes to eat ……( insects, grass , leaves….).
Exercise 10. Ask your friend questions about his/her pet. Add 2-3 questions of your own. Switch the roles.
E.g.: “What pet(s) have you got?” “I’ve got two dogs.”
“What is its name?”…………………………………………………………… ……
“How old is it?”…… ………………………………………………………………
“Is it big or small?”…………………………………………………………………
“What colour is it?”…………………………………………………………………
“What does it like to do?”…………………………………………………….. ……
Exercise 11. You’ve found a pet, but you can’t keep it at home because you already have pets. Make your friend take it. Describe the pet and say why your friend should take it. Use the words and constructions below.
E.g.: “Listen! This puppy is so beautiful. One ear is black, the other one is white. It has kind eyes…..”
(Look at it!/ it is so clever/ pretty/ nice/ good,/beautiful/ its eyes are…, its colour is…, it likes…it can…/ you don’t have pets!/ you love dogs/cats/ guinea pigs very much!/ you don’t need to walk with it! etc)
1. Spotlight 5. Workbook / Английский в фокусе 5 класс. Рабочая тетрадь. Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Дженни, Подоляко О.Е., Эванс В. М.: Просвещение, 2022 , 54с.
2. Spotlight 5 (Английский в фокусе 5 класс). Тренировочные упражнения в формате ГИА. Ваулина Ю.Е., Подоляко О.Е. М.: Просвещение, 2023, 43с.
3. Spotlight 5. Student's book / Английский в фокусе 5 класс. Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений. Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Дженни, Подоляко О.Е., Эванс В. М.: Просвещение, 2018, 68с.
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